Rotary Governor launches interaction clubs in Wau schools

The Rotary Club District Governor launched an interaction clubs for students in Wau on Monday.
Peter Mbui says the clubs aim at helping students to build voluntary spirit and get connected with their local leaders, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
He earlier explained that Rotary club is to help students around the world to interact and help in the development of the societies.
The interact will help the students to be connected with their local leaders and international bodies, Mbui adds
There are four schools currently active with more nearly 150 members in Wau, explains, Francis Butili Farajallah, Assistance District Governor.
The schools include John Paul II, Layola, Standard and Bussere Secondary School.
Butili believes Rotary is where he has a comfort to give back to the society because it teaches skills of being a good leader for the people.
Wau State Education Minister, Rukheia Madut, thanks Rotary club for the move they have taken to help society.
She hopes that the club will help students boost leadership skills to help build South Sudan.