Military Intelligence releases 16 detainees in Wau

Military Intelligence of Division Five in Wau released 16 detainees after the request of Baggari County Commissioner.
Taban John Guu told Radio Voice of Hope that release is an implementation of the national dialogue to make peace happen in the country.
The detainees are from different counties of the state.
Barjuak Ucu, Commissioner of Kuarjena, asks people to ignore tribalism and unite as one people of one nation so that commissioners can work smoothly.
Natalina Andrea Mabu, Justice and Peace Commission Coordinator in the Catholic Diocese of Wau, urges the detainees to continue praying and be ambassadors of peace.
Some of the detainees express their happiness and appreciate the state government and SPLA leaders for their initiative to release them.
Detainees told Radio Voice of Hope that some of them are still in the military detention.
They urged youth to avoid bad practices against the country.
Recently the Military Intelligence released fourteen young people from the same prison.