Wau Health Ministry trains 50 workers on cholera prevention

Wau Ministry of Health and partners is training 50 health officials on cholera prevention plan to avoid outbreak of the disease in the state.
Eduard Bonga, Specialist of Water Sanitation and Public Health, says the workshop is to raise people awareness about symptoms and signs of cholera, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
Christopher Paul Madut, Director-General in the ministry, says it is important for citizens to know means for controlling cholera as it is now near to Wau town.
Nurses and midwives participating the training, say they gained skills to fight cholera and enlighten citizens to prevent it.
Washing hands with soap and ash, cleaning the environment and using latrines properly are other ways of preventing the spread of cholera, they explain.
The speakers urge citizens not to ignore the role of organizations in enlightening people about things that can destroy communities.
They request mothers to care for their children by cleaning them and their food items.