Aid workers face increasing difficulty in accessing people in need

Humanitarian workers are facing increasing difficulty in accessing affected populations due to insecurity and obstructions, says International Organization for Migration or IOM.
It adds that the hardships complicate efforts to reach the most vulnerable population 
IOM in a press statement reports that insecurity affected its operations at least three times in January and February.
Over 7.5 million people in South Sudan are in need of humanitarian assistance due to a devastating crisis, part of the statement reads.
It says vulnerable populations in other areas of Unity and parts of Northern Bahr el Ghazal are on the verge of famine.
It has appealed for 76.8 million USD to provide lifesaving assistance to displaced and conflict-affected populations across the country.
IOM is working with humanitarian partners to help reach 5.8 million people with aid in 2017, including 1.89 million internally displaced persons or IDPs.