SSuNDE organizes cultural peace gala for in Rumbek

South Sudan Network for Democracy and Election or SSuNDE on Tuesday brought together three conflicting communities to cultural peace festivals in Rumbek.
The communities gathered under the theme: ‘Accelerating peaceful co-existence through strengthening community interdependencies’, Radio Good News reports.
Mama Harriet Baka, SSuNDE Board of Director’s Representative, says the dialogue aims at creating dialogue to restore peace in the society.
Baka appeals to the youth to say no to conflict because they are future leaders of the country.
Governor Advisor on Peace Affairs Mayiek Maper Manyiel emphasizes on forgiveness and love as the best way of maintaining lasting peace in the society.
He challenges women who brew local alcohol that spoils the welfare of young people in the country.
The dialogue brought participants from three communities of Rumbek Centre, North and Cuiebet of Gok States respectively.