Safer World meets Civil Society Network in Rumbek

Safer World branch office in Rumbek on Friday met the national Civil Society Organization Network to discuss strength and challenges facing it.
Safer World is working with communities by training community policing to improve security situation to promote peaceful co-existent, Benjamin Majok Mon, State Coordinator told the participants, Radio Good News reports.
He added that they are planning ways of engaging civil society organizations to help communities play great roles in conflict mitigation.
David Nok Marial, one of the participants, said poverty is a worse part of violence.
He urges international organizations to build the capacity of civil society organizations’ staff in order to advocate well.
Western Lakes State Civil Society Network chairman John Malith Raul urges organizations to save people as they advocate for peace and love.
He appreciates Safer World for creating a forum that enables Network to discuss issues facing it.
Over 20 local and national civil society organizations attended Safer World’s meeting in Rumbek, Western Lakes State.