Vatican very much concerned about South Sudan, says Archbishop Lukudu

Pope Francis and Vatican authorities are very much concerned about the situation of people in South Sudan, says Catholic Archbishop of Juba.
Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro says Cardinal Kodwo Turkson while in Juba promised to send aid because he felt the situation.
He says after the Cardinal’s three-day visit, the papal envoy rushed to Nairobi for a meeting on South Sudan situation.
Archbishop Lukudu tells participants of Caritas South Sudan to come together to see and work and the situation jointly with the help of God.
He encourages Caritas South Sudan partners that it is time to help and care for people in the difficult moment in South Sudan which he likens to a sick person.
Caritas South Sudan Director Gabriel Yai said the meeting was to share ideas and put efforts together to respond to the emergency in the country.
The two leaders were speaking in the national Caritas emergency meeting on Thursday in Juba.