Oxfam constructs latrines and water points to assist victims of Wau violence

Oxfam has constructed latrines, water systems and bathing stations for thousands of displaced people in Wau.
Oxfam says in a statement that it has constructed 105 latrines, 42 bathing shelters and nine hand washing facilities for the displaced people sheltering near a UN base in Wau town.
The agency adds that it is also constructing 75 latrines, three water bladders, 40 bathing shelters and rehabilitating 30 latrines and two boreholes at the Catholic Church displacement site.
Oxfam says it has dispatched additional aid workers to Wau following the recent violence.
Sally Cooper, Oxfam’s Advocacy and Campaigns Manager in Juba says the agency will establish an oral rehydration point at UNMISS in the area to treat diarrhoea cases.
Zlatko Gegic, Oxfam South Sudan Director says some displaced people lost their entire families and property.
The official expresses deep sadness by terrible stories of violence and suffering in Wau.
Gegic says Oxfam is working to expand humanitarian assistance to other areas outside Wau town.