World Bank approves 40 million Dollars for South Sudan’s health services

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved 40 million US Dollars to support South Sudan government’s efforts to improve health services.
South Sudan has the lowest health indicators in the world in the areas of child, maternal mortality and malnutrition, so the World Bank is trying to save the situation.
The World Bank has invested over 63 million US Dollars in Health Rapid Result Project including an initial 28 million US Dollars in 2012 under South Sudan Transition Trust Fund.
There was also an additional of 35 million US Dollars for International Development Agency financing in 2014.
The World Bank funding has reportedly enabled millions of South Sudanese in Jonglei and Upper Nile States to receive health care services such as vaccination, prenatal care and skilled birth attendance during times of conflict.
The 40 million US Dollars financing will further improve the delivery of high impact primary health care services in Upper Nile and Jonglei States, says the World Bank in a statement.
The fund will also strengthen coordination, monitoring and evaluation capacities of the Ministry of Health, the statement adds.