Wau launches 2.3 million dollars service delivery project

The government of Wau is introducing a new project that will help move services closure to the people and restore citizens’ confidence and trust.
The project known as LOGOSEED is part of the 98.5 million dollars loan from World Bank to the national government for developing local communities and improving counties, payams and bomas, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
LOGOSEED Coordinator in Wau, Stefano Wieu says the project will enable communities identify priority services like schools, roads and health for the funds to be directed to.
Del Rumdit, Local Government Board Representative, says the project will change the negative attitudes citizens have towards the government in service delivery.
Commissioners in Wau welcomed the project, but remain critical that several projects for improving local governance like the Constituency Development Funds have not made any impact.
Governor of Wau, Elias Waya Nyipuoch, welcomed the project, but calls for respect to the rule of law and accountability.
He says his government will work hard to improve the security so that all planned projects in the state go an interrupted.
The LOGOSEED project will be implemented in three counties of Wau State.