Gbudwe health workers complain of government system of drugs supply

Health workers in Gbudwe State Hospitals are complaining of the system used by the national government for supplying drugs to the health facilities.
Lino Utu urges health workers to give the available drugs to patients, Radio Anisa reports.
Local communities are blaming workers of selling public drugs to private clinics, Utu adds.
He threatens to punish anybody caught misusing the hospital property.
Few common drugs and less needed materials, including cotton wools, drips and syringes are found when drugs are supplied from Juba, Angelo Gbanadu, Tombura Hospital Administrator observes.
Dr Ismail Mohamed, Medical Director in Yambio State realises that the appropriate drugs for the common diseases in the state are not provided in the supply kits.
He cited the most needed drugs are: paracetamol, artimether, penicillin diazepam, ciprophaine and many other important medical instruments missing.
They ask the Ministry Of Health to appoint a representative from Gbudwe State to coordinate the supplies of drugs at the national level.