Western Lakes State Assembly tables 2016 – 2018 work plans

Members of Parliament or MPs in Western Lakes State Legislative Assembly are discussing 2016-2018 work plans on promotion of good governance.
Speaker Marik Nanga Marik says the parliament is analysing the action plan to guide the operation of the legislature for three years, Radio Good News Reports.
Nanga says institutional weaknesses have bred corruption and poor leadership resulting in national crisis.
Focus should be on promotion of good governance and service delivery, Speaker Nanga says.
Western Lakes State Speaker says the new legislative assembly will focus on building the capacities of MPs to carry out their mandate in an efficient manner.
Speaker Nanga explains that the protection of rights the vulnerable groups and ensuring transparency and accountability in institutions are crucial
15 parliamentarians from different constituencies of the newly created Western Lakes State were in attendance of the assembly sitting.
s a sustainable budget.