Minister of Land and Physical Infrastructure in Yei River State says civilians need to share the important rule of laws.
Jacob Aligo Lo Ladu reveals that the reason of sharing the important rule of law to be implemented is to follow the criteria of laws and orders according to stages of people like the civilians and the organized forces.
He adds that nobody has right to jail a civilian at any of prison apart from that of civilians.
Jacob adds that any civilian arrested for causing crimes, information should be passed to the parents so that they give support to the person.
He says before demarcation starts, there will be a private meeting with concerned communities on how and where the survey and the municipality will be located.
Aligo encourages people in Yei not to fear demarcation because it opens a way for development.
He adds that Yei is a motherland of different people around South Sudan and beyond where development is very fast if demarcated.