Community celebrates water pumps repair

Thousands of community members in Kudo Payam in Torit County of Imotong State celebrated repair of five broken water pumps by the newly trained mechanics.
The Rural Water and Sanitation or RUWASSA trained six mechanics to assist repair pumps in the villages, says Amos Lija Organization’s team leader, Radio Emmanuel reports.
He advises the mechanics to avoid overcharging the community for repair services, but cooperate with chiefs in helping the people.
Torit County Sanitation officer, Reida Nigo Bindu, notes that the organization as a partner in Water and Sanitation sector, trained the mechanics.
Kudo Paramount Chief Marko Quinto praises the partners for their contribution to train the pump mechanics.
He equally calls on the pump mechanics to be fair in charging the community for their services.
The mechanics repaired five broken water pumps as part of their practical part of the training to ensure they are competent to handle the work.
The training was supported by Water for Eastern Equatoria Project-NIRAS.
NIRAS manages development fund on behalf of the Government of the Netherlands to implement projects, build capacity, and provide technical advice.