UN hopes 2015 ends South Sudan conflict for historic reflection

United Nations or UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General in South Sudan hopes South Sudanese will reflect 2015 as the last year of conflict to end untold suffering.
Ellen Margrethe L√∏ej in her speech during UN 70th anniversary urges South Sudanese civil population and leaders to stand united and committed to lasting peace.
In her remarks on UN 70th anniversary recording 70 achievements in South Sudan, Special Representative Ellen Margrethe L√∏ej pledges continuous support to South Sudanese through reintegration program as the peace agreement implementation takes place in the country.
The UN Special Representative observes that it is time for South Sudanese leaders to wash out atrocities they committed to refocus on citizens’ welfare and embrace forgiveness, reconciliation and healing.
Madam Margrethe reminds the nation that it is only through peace that citizens’ struggle for food production, education and livelihood can be realized.
National Education Minister Dr John Gai Yoh while representing government in the UN 70th anniversary in Juba UN House admits that it was unfortunate that revolutionary politics hatched unresolved transitional problems messing up South Sudan in governance reforms deadlock.
Dr Gai believes sustainable peace in South Sudan can only be achievable through understanding the South Sudanese people and reorganizing governance institutions.