Religious leaders appeal for forgiveness and prayerfulness

Religious leaders in Yambio, Western Equatoria State are appealing to all citizens to forgive and be prayerful.
Tombura-Yambio Catholic Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala warns citizens not to give in for hate and revenge, but hold on to peace values, Radio Anisa reported.
He says many lives were lost for the good of this country, calling upon everybody to pray for the martyrs in individual houses in Yambio.
Evangelical Lutheran Bishop Wilson Noah urges everybody to forgive one another and appeals to organized forces to defend the nation against foreign attack.
Imam Sherfadin Marko Gawa urges faithful to be prayerful during difficult times, advising citizens to verify information before taking off randomly.
The religious leaders pass their condolences for the innocent lives lost in Yambio.