Fighting in Malakal increases IDPs in UNMISS camp

United Nations Mission in South Sudan or UNMISS says influx of IDPs continues with the fighting in Malakal, Upper Nile State and that at least 1,500 unarmed civilians joined the existing displaced population of about 26 thousand being sheltered by the Mission.
The Mission expresses in a statement extended to CRN that it is gravely concerned about the fighting that broke out on Tuesday evening and continued to Wednesday afternoon.
UNMISS reports that the causes of the violence remain unclear, lamenting that it is highly regrettable that new fighting flared when the situation appeared so promising, with the hope that people would soon return home and life restored to the city.
It says Indian peacekeepers removed Malakal Teaching Hospital Acting Director and a colleague trapped in the town during the fighting and brought them to the base.
UNMISS states that it is broadcasting peace messages on local radio stations.
It says the five injured members of the Upper Nile State Governor’s staff Simon Kun Puoch are receiving medical treatment at the Mission’s Level II hospital.
UNMISS Chief Ellen Margrethe Loej calls on the military commanders in charge of the belligerent forces to order an immediate stop to the fighting and open a dialogue to resolve the causes of the violence.