NCP to poison water in SPLM/A-N controlled areas

The Acting Executive Director of Kumbur Payam in Heiban County disclosed that the National Congress Party or NCP is planning to poison drinking-water in boreholes and rivers in SPLM/A-N controlled areas in Nuba Mountains region of Southern Kordofan.
Jibril Musa told masses celebrating Christmas on Thursday, that the NCP is planning to poison water locations and declared to murder the Nuba, people of Darfur and Blue Nile regions, Radio Voice of Peace reported.
He challenged the NCP’s negative ideology, saying the faithful in Nuba Mountains are aware of God’s protection.
Mr Musa advised people especially those living in Mandi, Kalkada and Farish not to drink any water suspected to have changed its colour.
He called on people not to sell their food particularly sorghum because serious hunger is expected as there is no humanitarian aid reaching Nuba Mountains.
SPLM/A-N representative Marko Lotilo strongly promised Nuba people protection against NCP regime and that the Movement would not be threatened by the NCP.
He called on the Nuba people to pray for peace, saying the achievement and victory of the SPLM/A-N come from the prayers of its people.
Mr Lotilo advised people to monitor suspected cases of insecurity in their area.