UN expects half million children to resume education

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs or UNOCHA in South Sudan expects half a million children to resume their education because the future of South Sudan is at great risk.
Humanitarian Coordinator Toby Lanzer said they need to help half a million children who have no access to get back to school over the coming weeks, pleading to leaders at all levels to help them get all kids to school.
He argued that it is not about learning in school, but it is where they can protect kids, vaccinate and give them a bowel of porridge so that their stomachs are full and clothed them.
The Coordinator added that the fact that they are going to be at school would enable the parents to go to their livestock and fields.
Mr Lanzer lamented that children were unable to go to school due to displacements, destruction of schools or teachers fled away because of the conflict.
The Coordinator said everybody needs to feel safe enough, move around the country and live wherever they choose to re-establish their lives.