Priest says God will never fail to bring peace to South Sudan

Christ the King Parish Priest in Yei Catholic Diocese told Christians on Saturday that ‘God will never be defeated’ if efforts exerted by the warring parties, Intergovernmental Development or IGAD and UN fail to bring peace to South Sudan.
While giving homily at Saint Bakhita Chapel Fr Tom Poru Martin appealed to South Sudanese politicians to exercise David’ politics and desist from corruption or power greed leading to lost of innocent lives, Radio Easter reported.
He added that politicians should put God first so that they get divine wisdom on leadership.
The priest challenged people who are running businesses, politics or any kind of work without acknowledging God’s presence, warning that death is like a thief and that none will yield success without God.
In the same occasion, Fr Tom baptized 89 infants, advising parents to regularly bring them to the church.