WFP boosts aid to South Sudanese across Ethiopia

United Nations World Food Programme or WFP opened a third logistics base in western Ethiopia for cross-border delivery of vital food assistance into South Sudan, calling for more funding to support urgent food and nutrition needs.
In a statement, WFP said two additional aircraft would operate out of Jimma to take food to remote communities isolated by conflict and poor road conditions in South Sudan.
WFP Country Director Abdou Dieng said they would expand their capacity to airdrop more food into South Sudan, commending Ethiopian authorities and partners for supporting logistical operation.
The statement added that in 2014 over 500 flights operated from Ethiopia, carrying essential food assistance to the need.
It said the more than 123 thousand metric tons of food was dispatched to locations in South Sudan since the beginning of the year to feed more than 300 thousand people for three months.