Political parties’ chief says peace talks witnessed little progress

South Sudan political parties’ delegation head to peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Saturday said there was nothing much achieved in the latest round.
Lam Akol Ajawin also SPLM-DC Chairman told CRN that political, economic and security committees of the warring parties made little progress in discussions.
The parties’ delegate believes the disputed ceasefire matrix signing did not take place since the SPLM/A in Opposition denied signing it.
Dr Akol explained that he and other stakeholders did not witness the signing because they were kept outside the peace talk’s venue at the very moment.
In response to Opposition’s warning of full scale civil war as Intergovernmental Authority on Development fails to address reforms, he said it is up to them, asserting that it is their opinion.
Dr Akol believes there is no any other course to take apart from peace path.
He said people should run after peace by all means because it is what South Sudanese need.
The parties’ delegate told media upon return to Juba from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Friday that his closed door meeting with Dr Riek Machar was meant to persuade him for peaceful settlement of the country’s crisis.