A catholic organization operating education and health courses in South Sudan extended its teachers training programme to Leer, in Unity state.

Bill Firman from Solidarity with Southern Sudan sent an e-mail to SCR News saying two sisters from India and Ireland belonging to the Malakal Teachers Training Institute started yesterday a twenty-week programme for in-service training with 40 teachers in Leer.

The training Ð ten slots of two weeks each Ð is done after school hours and on Saturdays.

Br. Bill added that Leer town, with some 20 thousand residents, has only two fully qualified teachers.

Solidarity started a similar programme in mid-April with 23 teachers in Nzara, Western Equatoria.

The pilot programme distance education is sponsored by the Lasallian Foundation in Australia.

Solidarity with Southern Sudan runs a Health Training Institute in Wau, Teachers Training Institute in Malakal and a permanent in-service teachers training centre in Riimenze, Western Equatoria.

The institution is building a Teachers Training Institute in Yambio and plans to open another training programme in Torit.

More than six hundred teachers attended in-training courses run by Solidarity with Southern Sudan in the last two years.