Local NGO fosters human rights respect

A local non-governmental organization held a one-day workshop in Juba to educate citizens on human rights principles as a means to foster respect to other person’s rights.
Non-violence and Development organisation representative Rose Omede said the workshop was to educate citizens on the principles of human rights to peacefully coexist in the country, Bakhita Radio reported.
She stressed on need to educate institutions, university students, women association, traditional chiefs and community members for human rights respect to prevail at all levels.
Human Rights Commission chairperson Lawrence Korbandy said education is one of the most important human rights elements.
He said his commission faces numerous challenges to educate citizens on human rights principles.
Mr Korbandy said the commission signed a number of memoranda of understanding with many organisations in Juba on human rights issues.
He said his commission did not manage to disseminate human rights issues to the entire country without the support of national and international NGOS.
Non-violence and Development organisation workshop brought together a big number citizens.