Engineers and Surveyors Complete Road Assessment in Magwi County

A group Photo

By Otto Abut

A team of engineers and surveyors has concluded a road assessment in Magwi County, covering key roads from January 13 to 15, 2025. The assessment focused on major roads including Captain Cook Road, Magwi-Amee Road, Magwi-Lobone Tenten Border Road, and Magwi-Pogee Ngomoromo Border Road.

Eng. Norman Charles Gideon, Director General of Transport, Roads, and Bridges in Eastern Equatoria State, explained that the assessment is part of a government initiative to improve agricultural feeder roads and enhance connectivity for agricultural productivity. The team gathered geodetic data on the current condition of roads, bridges, culverts, and swampy areas to identify necessary improvements.

The assessment proposed upgrading existing culverts and constructing new bridges, including the reconstruction of Amee Bridge. Most existing culverts with a 600mm diameter are to be upgraded to meet modern standards, and some are to be converted into box culverts.

The project is funded by the national government and international donors from the Netherlands due to Magwi County’s agricultural potential. The rehabilitation work will begin once the proposed budget is approved, though the final amount has yet to be disclosed.

Magwi County Commissioner Benjamin PolePole highlighted the county’s significant infrastructure challenges, particularly the damaged roads and bridges that hinder the transportation of agricultural produce to Juba.


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