Annual Tri-State Pre-Seasonal Cattle Movement Conference Kicks Off in Wau


Wau, Western Bahr El Ghazal – The Annual Tri-State Pre-Seasonal Cattle Movement Conference has officially commenced in Wau, bringing together 180 delegates from Warrap, Northern, and Western Bahr el Ghazal states. The conference, supported by UNMISS and other international and national organizations, aims to review findings from grassroots consultations and discuss the implementation of the Marial Bai peace agreement.

Abdul Bagi, UNMISS Head of Field Office in Wau, emphasized that the Marial Bai agreement was designed to regulate cattle migration in an orderly, peaceful manner, ensuring the protection of civilians and creating space for development. “With the effective implementation of the Marial Bai agreement, we’ve seen peace and development projects take root in many parts of Western Bahr el Ghazal,” he said.

Abdul Bagi talks about the positive impact of the Marial Bai agreement on peace and development in the region.

The government representatives from Warrap, Northern, and Western Bahr el Ghazal states reaffirmed their commitment to the Marial Bai peace agreement, which was first signed in 2016. Elia Mawien, representing Warrap State, highlighted how the agreement has helped reduce conflict between pastoralists and farmers. “It has brought our people together and reduced the violence that once divided us,” he said.

Warrap representative Elia Mawien speaks about the importance of the Marial Bai peace agreement in reducing conflict.

Garang Atak Akech, a representative from Northern Bahr el Ghazal, stressed that the agreement benefits all communities in the region. “The Marial Bai agreement does not favor any one community; it ensures everyone’s rights are respected,” he explained.

Governor Emmanuel Primo Ukello of Western Bahr el Ghazal also emphasized the conference’s importance in addressing issues affecting pastoralists and farmers. “We must continue to cooperate and work together to ensure peace and harmony,” Ukello said.

Governor Emmanuel Primo Ukello encourages cooperation and peace between farmers and pastoralists.

The conference, held under the theme “Empowering Communities for Sustainable Development,” is expected to last three days. It will provide a platform for delegates to discuss the future of the region’s agricultural and pastoral sectors.

The event was officially opened on Monday at the Peace Hall in Wau, with representatives from various stakeholders offering their perspectives on the importance of the Marial Bai agreement for regional stability and development. Delegates reflect on the theme of the conference and its significance for community empowerment.


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