Torit Mayor threatens to impose fin on Cattle keepers for letting cattle encroach farmland

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By Malish Valentine Adolfo-Torit

The mayor of Torit municipality has on Thursday directed residential chiefs to every cattle owner 25000ssp when their cattle encroached into farmland to destroy crops.

His worshiper Mustafa albino Zachariah was responding to complaints from some farmers whose  farmlands are alegedly  destroyed by cattle roaming around without control in their area.

The mayor therefore challenged the chiefs to implement the laws by fining the cattle owners to abolish unnecessary cattle encroachment into farmland.

“it is a provisional order every year, If they catch cattle’s of one person will pay twenty five thousand, if one goad also will also pay twenty five thousand ,this year we are try to implement with chiefs ,because this issue is now rampart ,citizen are complaining that their garden are been destroy by livestock, there are people living their cattle randomly,chiefs are support to be strong ,they are the one instructing at end they are the one supposed to implement, indifferent residence government cannot reach  in all residence, chief are the eye of the government ,are the representative of government ,government give them authority to implement the laws”

Mustafa Albino further advised livestock keepers and farmers to manage their resources to avoid violence among themselves.

“My last message let people understand each other ,the owners of cattle’s and the owners of garden, let them understand each other so that it will not bring for them violence, because the owner of the garden is digging so that he will feed his children, even your rearing your animals to feed your family ,last time I advise people that let people not left their goads move randomly, if you have three or many goats, combating in one place to be taken to the bush for grazing ,I need all people to do like that ,even though you have three you give to a person who have many goats so that it will not destroy some body garden” 

The speaker remarked to radio Emmanuel on Thursday in a telephone interview.


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