Two people died and 45 On treatment from cholera outbreak in Renk According to MSF

Cholera Treatment Center CTU Renk_2

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported that about 45 people are under treatment and two death cases recorded from cholera outbreak in South Sudan.

MSF’s field coordinator for Renk emergency programme Emanuele Montobbio, said, Most of the patients are people arriving from the war in Sudan, where a cholera outbreak was declared in August 2024.

Montobbio adds that MSF team have also received patients from the local population of Renk.

The field coordinator emphasized that contaminated water sources, open defecation, and overcrowded living conditions due to new arrivals from Sudan pose a significant threat to both refugees and the local community.

“Given the inadequate, overcrowded living conditions and continued influx of refugees and returnees from Sudan into the cities of Renk and Malakal, there is an imminent urgent need for a response to improve the water, sanitation and hygiene situation to prevent further spread of the disease.”

The observed rise in cholera cases in Malakal prompted the establishment of a cholera treatment unit at MSF’s Malakal Town Hospital, “Emanuele Montobbio narrated.”

Montobbio explained that as of 12 November, in less than a week 65 patients have been admitted to the facility.

He said, MSF is conducting health education initiatives to help curb the further spread of the disease.

Emanuele stated that with the Increasing number of patients, MSF has established a Cholera Treatment Center (CTC) in Assosa, less than 10km away from Malakal Town Hospital, with capacity of up to 100 beds.

The Cholera Treatment Center is hosting thousands of people in close proximity, heightening the risk of rapid spread.

MSF urged other organizations to quickly establish treatment facilities within the PoC to prevent loss of life.

According to the report, the continues moving of people across Upper Nile State and other parts of South Sudan, the cholera outbreak poses a risk of spreading beyond Renk and Malakal.

MSF Called for strong collaborative efforts from all organizations in Renk, and beyond particularly in Malakal, to manage the spread and prevent a further and a wider crisis, as soon as possible.


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