JPC Conducts Civic Education on Peace & Democratic Participation on Election in Bentiu

Group Photo taken during the Civic Education workshop in Bentiu Diocese

The office of Justice and Peace in the Sudan and South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SSCBC) with Support from the Association Member Episcopal Conference in East Africa (AMECEA) have started Civic Education on Peace and Democratic participation Workshop at the Diocesans level for the 2026 General elections of South Sudan.

The two-day civic education on Peace and Democratic Participation on the proposed first General Elections in South Sudan and supported by the department of Integral Human Development at AMECEA brought to 18 participates in Bentiu Diocese.

The aim of the workshop across the Dioceses of South Sudan is to empower participates to promote peace and exercise their democratic Rights in the proposed general election in 2026.

In a closing day remarks, the Bishop of Bentiu Diocese Christian Carlassare appreciated the Justice and Peace Coordination office at Bishops’ conference for starting the workshop at the Diocese of Bentiu. Adding that South Sudan Catholic Churches should open hands to work towards peace despite the financial they face.

“We really want to expand this all Christians to work for Justice and Peace whether the funding is there or not, we work for justice and Peace, we can’t say money is not there we go to fight. Whether the money is there or not for peace, we do peace, because we want to peace.”

Bishop Christian stated that there is a need for justice and peace in the Bishops’ Conference and the Dioceses to volunteer with the open heart and the funding comes to strength their activities with better proposals.

Carlassare emphasized that people should set a side the mindset of the time is still long because the government extends the transitional period and start preparations for the upcoming elections.

“The time we have is not a time to remain idol, like now the government of National Unity has been extended, it does not mean that we have government for two years we don’t need to do civic education because we have government now no, we have to prepare because democracy, is not only expressed on the day we go to vote, but it’s in all the preparation for those elections.”

Bishop Christian continue, “Want I want to say is that sometime, it is not very important on who worn the elections, but what is important is all the processes in which the citizens can participate their opinion and participate to the lives of the Country.”

We have to start promoting Justice and Peace within our Society and our community and set a side who will be the next president or the next governor, “Bishop emphasized.”

The Italian-born member of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCJ), who was ordained a Priest in September 2004 and commissioned to South Sudan continue, “Let us leave a side this topic that is very difficult, because sometime when we think about Justice and Peace we think about big things, we think about parties, governors, presidents, Ministers, but as Church we are not only concern about the wellbeing or the political arena in our Country, but we want to start to promote justice and peace within our society and our community first.”

Bishop Christian thanks Bishops’ Conference for appointing Fr. John Opi to the important office which have empty for a while.

He added, “Thanks also to Fr. John Opi for starting this training with the people of Bentiu because we need peace we hope this training your office have started will strengthen our ability to good and understand the process to the elections.

On 20 August 2024, the department of Integral Human Development at AMECEA Organized a four-day training for the Justice and Peace Commission (JPC), coordinators for the Sudan and South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SSSCBC) to be Training of Trainers (ToT) on civic education prior to the upcoming General Elections for the country reminded that the training is preparation to understand the process of elections.

The project was aimed to equip the JPC Coordinators from the Dioceses on civic education and observer mission to enhance democratic participation and integrity.

On the conclusion of the training in August, AMECEA expressed its commitment to support Sudan and South Sudan Bishops’ Conference through the office of Justice and Peace Coordinator to carry the training to all the Dioceses.

This week, Justice and Peace Commission Coordinator at Sudan and South Sudan Bishops’ Conference Rev. Fr. John Opi started the training with the Diocese of Bentiu.

According to Fr. Opi, this training is carried according to the project which was draft during the TOT program which took place in August in Juba. The training will continue with in all the Diocese in South Sudan.


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