Greater Kapoeta region resolves agrees to restore peace

Members of Greater Kapoeta signing peace

The High-level conference in the divided Kapoeta EASTERN EQUATORIA state again pledged to implement agreed-on actions to restore peace.

For almost a decade, ethnically divided residents in the greater Kapoeta region have been engaged in intermittent cattle raiding, child abductions, and revenge killings, thus creating unrest and insecurity for themselves.

According to UNIMISS reports, at numerous peace dialogues, community representatives have agreed on how to resolve their issues, but actions need to be taken urgently.

The government of Eastern Equatoria State, supported by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), recently organized a high-level conference that brought together national politicians, the commissioners of the four counties where violence takes place, civil society representatives, women’s leaders, and youth activists.

Among the action points generated at the conference are, confiscating illegal firearms, stopping hate speech, holding perpetrators of crimes accountable, and sending additional security forces to particularly insecure areas to assist the recently deployed Necessary Unified Forces present in the state.

The official present both delivered and signed a new peace accord.

The Governor of Eastern Equatoria State Louis Lobong Lojore says that having more uniformed personnel on the ground will help to reduce cases of road ambushes and cattle raids.

“Having more uniformed personnel on the ground will result in fewer reports about ambushes or stolen cattle. It will give us trust that eventually we can put an end to such violence,” predicted Louis Lobong Lojore.

Head of the peacekeeping mission’s Field Office in Torit Guy Griffin said, the success of the treaty signed depends on the collective will of the people of the four counties to make what they have agreed a reality.

“Peace is a process and today’s activity is a good starting point to achieve it,” Guy Griffin said.

Mary Natabu, representing both women and youth in Kapoeta says, she is determined to do her part and urge her peers to follow suit.

“As young people, we have roles to play in stopping the bloodshed and ending the suffering so that we’ll be able to cherish durable peace,” she said.


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