Vatican in solidarity with refugees and returnees strained in Renk

The Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan and Kenya, His Grace Archbishop, Hubertus Matheus Megen, Photo by Otto Abut/CRN

The Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan and Kenya, His Grace Archbishop, Hubertus Matheus Megen is deeply concerned about the dire situation facing the people displaced by war in Sudan.

Ambassador Megan says he was dismayed to see women and children suffering from lack of food and shelter during their visit with the Vatican Secretary of State in Malakal early this week.

On Monday, the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin visited South Sudan for the third.

The Cardinal was to assess the living condition of refugees and be in solidarity with the suffering people following his invitation by the Malakal diocese.

Vatican Ambassador highlighted the support of the Church to transport hundreds of returnees from Renk to Malakal town and humanitarian aid to respond to their needs.

His Grace Archbishop Megen further says the Holy Seas prioritize South Sudan in its activities that make Vatican Secretary visited the country three times within two years.

The Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan and Kenya, His Grace Archbishop, Hubertus Matheus Megen (Right) being interviewed by Chuol Jany, CRN Editor (Left) on Friday 18th August 2023

“The visit of Pietro Parolin was a visit of the church in a special way, the Holy Father to be present with those people who came with all their suffering, with all their pain to Malakal and to give a helping hand to them.” The Ambassador added.

The Ambassador calls for humanitarian assistance to those suffering refugees and commended other humanitarian actors like Caritas, and the Catholic Church for their helping hands rendered to the refugees and returnees.

“Through the church there is a sign of hope, through the church there seems to be a new future, through the church there seems to be a way out of darkness and therefore I want to appreciate the of Caitas in Malakal, the work of Bishop, in special way let me mention Sister Hellen Abelati who has always been there as a pillar to the church and the people in Malakal.”

Catholic Diocese of Malakal reported that around 35,000 have been resettled, especially in places where they have family members in Upper Nile, Jonglei, and Unity States. An estimated 200,000 people have returned to South Sudan

The Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan and Kenya, His Grace Archbishop, Hubertus Matheus Megen was speaking during an exclusive interview with Catholic Radio Network in Juba.


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