State Information Minister clarifies breaking of windows at government offices

An allegedly broken window of the Governor's office circulating on social media

The Warrap State Minister of Information has disowned the allegation circulating on social media on breaking of the windows of the governor’s office and that the council of ministers was a planned protest by individuals in Warrap

Wol Mayom has said it is a twisted information and not true

Wol confirmed that it is a mentally disturbed person who entered the governors and cabinet affairs ministries office and broke the front windows in parts but security personnel managed to apprehend the person, and is now in custody.

The minister strongly condemned the misinformation across the state about the protest staged in Warrap state but said the man who broke the windows was proved to be an insane man who was apprehended and currently in the police custody

He further narrated that this man who broke into the cabinet affairs office and the governor is believed by the public to have been allergic to glass and that whenever he sees reflected a glass, he will angrily tend to break 

Warrap State Minister of Information told the people to stay vigilant and desist from the propaganda that he said can spoils integrity of the government of Warrap state

Wol. He urged people to speak the truth always and not wrong information to mislead the public


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