Public and private sectors told to stop corruption

The axillary bishop of the Juba Catholic archdiocese Santo Laku Poi (Centre)

The axillary bishop of the Juba Catholic archdiocese is calling the government and private sectors to have faith and stop corruption.

Bishop Santo Laku Poi disclosed that people should work with generosity to help the poor. He said stakeholders should stop being greedy because the bible says generosity is a call by Jesus Christ.

Bishop exposed that materialism is letting the needy not get assistance because the greediness for material possessions is extremely high in societies.

“If all of us give back to the community, I don’t think we will have these too many people going around asking for food. Today the demand for the generosity of people with a good heart, with good intention is an agent call of our lord Jesus Chris,”  Bishop Santo said.

He further stressed that even organizations are taken over by corrupt people who deprived the poor of their rightful shares and divert them to their administrations.

“It seems the number of generous people is getting low and that of the greedy people is increasing all over the world.”

“There is this great quest for material possession that is why those in need in our society, and in our church cannot be assisted at all, the world is getting crazy,” he stressed.

The prelate was speaking during his homily at St Theresa Cathedral in Juba.


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