Eastern Equatoria pledges to disseminate peace in the state

The Minister of Peace Building, Marko Lokidor Lochapio, File photo.

The Eastern Equatoria State Minister of Peace Building has promised to disseminate messages of peace across the State in order to promote peaceful coexistence among citizens.

The Minister of Peace Building, Marko Lokidor Lochapio says his ministry will disseminate the peace messages through youths, women, traditional leaders, and government institutions across the State.

“Our total plan especially for the ministry of peace-building we want to continue with the dissemination of peace agreement this year and we will target youths, we will target women, we will target traditional leaders, we will target also government institutions,”

Authorities say there will be public rallies to inform the communities about the peace and from one county to the other trying to share with residents the issue of a revitalized peace agreement.

“We will be continuing to advocate for more peace through radio talk shows, meetings, workshops, and rallies and those prioritizes it has been approved by the council of ministers and passed unanimously by the legislatures of Eastern Equatoria State as the policy document,” he said.

Lokidor says he will be moving from county to county to ensure peace messages reach every corner, however, the minister did not disclose when he will begin the program. He added that their activities have been hindered by a lack of mobility but such changes are bridged.

“The ministry of peace based on the article of the revitalized peace agreement fall under the governance cluster, governance cluster already has the transport, when you want to go you only take the permission, and the fuel then you go and disseminate the program of the ministry to the county concern, so now we don’t have much problem about the mobility,” Lokidor said.

The Minister says the government is working hard to ensure that peace prevails in Eastern Equatoria State

The minister disclose that his ministry is working on a roadmap to be adopted by the local authorities.


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