Kush Bank opens new branch in Gumbo Sherikat

New Kush Bank branch opened in Sharikhat, Juba

The community of Gumbo Sherikat in Juba is celebrating the opening of a Kush Bank branch in their area. They say it will reduce the carrying of physical cash that attracted robbers.

The local Payam chief John Garang says it has been difficult for the people of Gumbo to carry their money to Juba due to fear of robbery on the road.

He has commended the bank and the government of South Sudan.

“People of Sherikat have suffered indeed, because the population of Sherikat is very large.  And when you want to keep your money, you have to cross the River to and keep your money their which is not safe to take money from here to Juba because of the robbers on the road.”

“We thank Kush Bank and South Sudan government to allow the company to operate in the country.”

Garang encourages business people, schools and churches to open an account with Kush bank to avoid miss-managing the money.

Armando Sirolla, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors at Kush Bank, expresses their commitment to serve customers with dignity.

Teller of New Kush Bank branch in Sherikat.

Sirolla says the financial institution is determined to contribute to socioeconomic development across the country.

“As one of the leading financial institutions in the country, we see our role as not only bankers or financial- related operators but contributors to nation-building. We are committed to socioeconomic development and today, this is proven by the opening of this branch that our customers requested, and we brought for them.”

Banking in any community is an essential service because it provides an efficient, secure, and reliable way of managing one’s business, he said.

Kush Bank has revealed clients in Sherikat can operate their accounts from anywhere in South Sudan, more conveniently, through mobile and internet banking.

“You can deposit money at the Sherikat branch and withdraw it in Yambio or other places. For business people, this is very convenient,” he underscored.

The primary role of financial institutions is to intermediate between those that provide funds and those that need the funds, transforming and managing risk, “He adds.”

A representative from the Bank of South Sudan Chan Andria says Kush bank is an example of taking critical financial services to the people.

“What is happening here today is a shining example of taking critical financial services to the people and where it’s most needed.”

Chan highlighs that Bank of South Sudan welcomes the participation of Kush bank in the domestic financial sector.

Last year, Kush Bank introduced No-Fee Banking services, making it the first bank to offer free banking deposits and withdrawal services across the country. The bank have seven branches across the country.


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