Peace Monitors endorsed 24 months extension of the Unity government

Peace Monitors endorsed 24 months extension of the Unity government

Members of Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission voted over Extension of Transitional Period on Thursday 01 Sept 2022

The Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC), its members, and partners to the peace accord have endorsed the 24 months extension of the transitional period.

The move came after the unity government graduated the first batch of unified forces this week. Peace Monitors held a plenary discussion on Thursday on the issues related to peace implementation in South Sudan

The extraordinary meeting reviewed and discuss the road map revealed by the parties to the peace agreement last month.

The RJEMEC interim chairperson Gen. Charles Tai Gitui says thirty-seven members out of 42 endorsed the extension but TROIKA countries disagreed with endorsement.

According to the roadmap the extension effective 23rd Feb next year until 22nd Feb 2025

He, therefore, encouraged the peace parties to continue the dialogue and work together to enhance the rebuilding of trust and confidence in implementing the remaining tasks without more extension.

“We identify several in the road map whose datelines have already passed. And in this regard, I urge the RTGoNU to review and update the timeline in the implementation matrix containment in the annex of the roadmap.” Charles Gitui stresses.

The Troikas, US, UK, and Norway objected to the 24 months extension of the transitional period, demanding the government to provide further evidence of their commitment to peace implementation before their insight.

Ambassadors of the TROIKA Countries voted for No extension.

“We require further evidence of the government’s commitment to deliver on the new roadmap and fully implement The Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) before we can do so.”

The information minister Michael Makuei Lueth says the RJEMEC voting on the roadmap in favor of an extension of the 24 months complied to two third of the agreement and it will be taken to the parliament for the necessary amendments.

“According to article 8.4 of the agreement, in case of any amendment to the agreement, it must be agreed upon by the parties of the agreement and it must be the two-third majority of the executive and that it must be passed by a two-third majority in the RJEMEC.

Government representative voted for the support of extension

The parliament to follow the normal legislative procedures for the amendment of the constitution to confirm with the provision of the amended agreement.” Makui Explained.


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