Blood Donation Campaigns Launch In Yei Civil hospital.


By Ojok Darious Kidomua-Yei

Health authorities in Yei civil hospital have today Wednesday launched voluntary blood donation campaigns.

Speaking to radio Easter in an exclusive interview Doctor John Manya technical advisor for the blood bank committee in Yei Civil Hospital, explains that the campaigns are launches as of the high demand for blood. Keep increasing

Doctor John stresses that many patients run short of blood endangering their lives which calls for continuous blood supply in the hospital to rescue lives.

Clip 1 Blood.

The doctor thanks Medicine San Frontiers or MSF for the establishment of blood bank in Yei civil hospital.

Doctor John Manya says that conditions of motor accidents and bleeding during delivery by pregnant mothers are mostly requires blood transfusion.

During the launch fourteen people voluntarily donated their blood as part of the response to the campaigns.

The speaker spoke to radio Easter in an exclusive interview during the launch of voluntary blood donation campaigns in Yei Civil Hospital.