Sports martyrs’ tournament ends with call for genuine unity among people


Amin Joseph James

Sports martyrs’ tournament concluded with a call for genuine unity and peaceful coexistence among the people of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

The Chairperson of the organizing committee, Grace Hassan Martin, reveals that the tournament aims at honouring the lost athletes, Voice of Hope Radio reported.

She adds that, the expected outcomes of the tournament was hindered and negatively affected by tribalism and disunity amidst the people.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mohammed Ali Goni while honouring relatives of the lost athletes, urges people of Wau to cooperate for better development in the sports sector.

Acting Governor, Zachariah Joseph Garang, urges athletes and sport lovers to set aside their social or political differences during sports activities because games play a great role in uniting the people.

The first ever Sports Martyrs’ Tournament concluded by Obama Saloon team being crown as the champion after defeating Mastabh team 2-1 on Sunday night at Wau Youth Center in Wau.