Abara chief urges community in Boma to remain calm


The Boma Chief of Abara is urging the people in Boma area to remain calm and strong as they wait on the government respond to rescue the situation.

Iwire Payam Head Chief Angelo, Bernard Badi tells Radio Emmanuel 89 FM that most people have run off the area which has led to separation between family members.

“They have burnt down several houses that we have not yet counted because we are still searching for those missing since they are not all yet around, children ran their way, women on their ways.it is not clear where people have ran, we are also trying to figure out maybe some of them are even dead within the area so for that reason we are still for search”

David Kamilo Chief of Boma area states that most of the people in the area have ran for their safety in the nearby villages seeking for refuge.

He says the cattle herders have fled the area killing and burning some houses, citing that the people in Abara Boma not to run away

“As the leader of the people, am telling my people not to run because we know the government is there for us, they will come to our rescue ,am saying this because I know there is no way our people can get means of getting something to eat ,so as the government will come to our rescue I know things will change .And if people are to go there is nowhere for them to go, we were telling them that those who came were criminals that is what I told them let’s be here nothing bad will happen”

Mr. Patrick Ociti Paul appeals for humanitarian assistance in terms of food and non-food items.

“If there is anyone to give for us some help, in term of food to rescue us from this situation then it will be better but if not, nobody will continue to stay here in Ayii, and if the situation continues the way it is as am seeing then after three days even me who is talking may not be here because nothing will favor me at all”

Thursday evening the community of Boma accused Jonglei cattle herders, stormed the area killing about five people and burning down houses.