Monsignor Carlassare to be installed Bishop of Rumbek on 25 March


Episcopal ordination and installation of Monsignor Christian Carlassare Bishop of Rumbek is scheduled to take place on March 25th 2022 on the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Bishop Matthew Remijo Adam Gbitiku, Apostolic Administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek announced in a letter sent on Tuesday.

Sister Orla Treacy read out the letter seen by Good News Radio on Tuesday afternoon to the priests, religious and the laity.

It said “after due consultation with the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan and the Bishop-elect, “I am happy to announce to you the consecration of Bishop of Rumbek”.

Bishop Remijo in the letter urges the Christians in the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek to prepare and pray for this consecration during this Lenten period.

Heads of all departments in the diocese of Rumbek held a meeting after the announcement was made.