UNFAO Launches Vaccination amid Livestock Threats with Diseases in Eastern Equatoria


The UN FAO South Sudan together with national and State Ministry of Animal Resource and Fisheries launch an emergency livestock vaccination and treatment in Eastern Equatoria to support 6,865 households across the State.

The project titled “Emergency Livestock Response Programme (ELRP) ” was launched under the theme “Healthy livestock-healthy people-sustainable development”.

James Sokiri, UN FAO representative says livestock is one of the key livelihoods in the State whereby through the vaccination they will be able to achieve the objective of improving livelihood and income for livestock herders.

Sokiri explains that education in animals’ disease and mortality rate can only be avoided through administering vaccines to the livestock.

‘Improvement in the production can also come about as a result of animals’ treatment’ he adds

“As we know livestock is one of the key livelihood activities in the state, so with vaccination and treatment we will be able to reduce the diseases and also the death of animals and also improve the production, So FAO with its partners and the ministries launching this vaccination campaign so that we can achieve our objective of improve livelihood and income for our livestock herders”

State Minister of Animal Resources, Fisheries and Tourism, Hon. Angelo William Geri declares the launch open.

William stress that 80% of the people in the state derive their livelihood from Livestock hence needs to invest in order to improve livestock sector in the state

He says over 1000 herds of cattle in the Juba markets are supplied from Eastern Equatoria.

 “80% of our population derive their livelihood from the livestock’s that is why we want to invest in improving the livestock sector in Eastern Equatoria, most of you know that even Juba over 1000 heads of cattles we supply Juba market from Eastern Equatoria”

However, the community kraal owner Mr. Omene Douculina appreciates the FAO and the stakeholders for their remarkable works in launching animals’ vaccination.

Omene says in the last three years they were having many kraals but the East Coast Fever economically affected cattle so much.

“in the last three years there were many kraals but East coast fever almost finished the whole kraal and what we are seeing here today are the remains most of them died with East coast fever which up to now is still there that mean what the government and FAO did today is very important is going to serve the life of these animals”

Meanwhile Dr. Guale Johntana Nicolas, FAO Extension Associate for Animals Production and Health, told media that in the greater Torit counties they have Torit, Magwi and Lafon County to be covered under the direct intervention of FAO Torit field office with support from the ministry.

Dr. Guale Johntana Nicolas says, in greater Kapoeta they have Kapoeta south and Kapoeta North under direct intervention from the field office while Budi, part of Kapoeta East and Ikwoto to be covered by AVSI as a partner.

“The direct field office we are going to cover five counties, In greater Torit we have Torit county we have Magwi county and Lafon county is going to be covered under the direct intervention with support from the ministry and in the greater Kapoeta we have Kapoeta south and Kapoeta North is going to be under direct intervention from the field office and Budi and part of Kapoeta East is going to be covered by AVSI as a partner and Ikotos is also going to be covered by AVSI”

The speakers made the remark during the launching program for Vaccination and Treatment of livestock in Eastern Equatoria State on Wednesday.