Women should be empowered through education, says Isohe community members


Women should be empowered through education so that they become self-reliant to help support the family in the absence of the husband according to the community members.

Justine Lokunyang says when women are educated they will support their husbands in taking home responsibilities and other small house duties.

//the only thing we can empower with women is by sending them to school because education is very important because now if a woman is not educated but only a man, this is something very big problems, if women are educated, they will help because now I see women are the one taking home responsibilities, they are the one working hard but now if I am not there and my wife is not working, not educated how will the children survive//Justine lokunyang wonders.

Lazarus Ikuma, Boma chief for Isohe central says women who are educated and the able ones should be involved in the decision making together with men to strengthen them in leadership.

// we can help women who are educated among us, we have to encourage them to come us among men, to share with us in the meeting and everything we do even in solving cases, we have to encourage her to talk, we support them bit by bit until we see them able to talk like men then we will involve them also in some positions to be together with us//

Lotum Simon Enriko blamed men who always push the domestic works to women and even deny their women to attend to other activities in the community organized by women.

//women should at least get jobs and be like us men, what we do they should also do, but for us here men still give all the house chaos to women even prevent them from attending women functions//

Rose Lily Joseph, the women representative in Isohe payam says there is need for awareness such that men understand the meaning of women empowerment.

//we need awareness because when people are trained on important of involving women, these men will change but if there is no awareness, the men will never change but it will be better if awareness is created so that these men will change such that next time you will come and find a female chief here in Isohe//

The speakers made the remarks during a round table discussion on Gender Parity and Women Empowerment in Isohe Payam of Ikwoto County, organized by Radio Emmanuel with support from Caritas Luxembourg.