Standards Bureau bans expired goods in Abyei, acting director confirms


National Bureau of Standard banned many expired items in Abyei Administrative Area in February, Francis Ibrahim Patricio, Acting director of the Bureau in Wau, Western Bahr-El-Ghazal State, confirmed to Voice of Hope Radio.

He said after visiting Abyei earlier this month and searching markets, they found huge number of prohibited alcohol and expired food items around different.

Ibrahim adds that he also went to Amiet area and banned some expired food items there.

He explains that they arrested some business men found to be using magnets in order to make fake quantity for customers and they were all taken to security office.

The acting director assures of their commitment to do their work accordingly and monitor the business items in order to avoid consumption of unwanted and expired goods.

The official made the remarks to Voice of Hope Radio in Wau, Western Bahr-El-Ghazal State.