“South Sudan is not a dumping place”, says Juba City Deputy Mayor


South Sudan is not a dumping site for neighbouring Uganda and Kenya to export toxic liquors which are less consumed in their countries, according to Thiik Thiik Mayardit, Deputy Mayor for Infrastructure in Juba City Council.

He claims that illegal entry to South Sudan of toxic liquors is through foreigners because some alcohol brought for sale and consumption are not being sold in their country.

“This alcohol you are seeing here is not being sold in Kenya or Uganda, the other thing they are doing also is repackaging. Anything expired; they repackage it again and send it to South Sudan. Are we a damping area (place)? They are seeing that South Sudan is a merciful not taking tough measure that is why we are dying of alcohol. It is a matter of life of our people”, Thiik says.

The deputy mayor discloses a plan to reorganize Juba City as beautiful as any other city in the world by prioritizing and dealing with the law that will benefit citizens.

He blames foreigners for pessimism on the order issued days before its official signature on Monday.

“What has brought all this rough, these are foreigners and I usually used to say that if we the people of South Sudan are not careful, we will be foreigners in our own country. Juba is not an island; it has been banned in some states, why are they complaining in Juba?  And juba is the face of the country. They are only looters; who came to loot everything”, Thiik complains.

He clarifies that, the order No. 02/2022 is to regulate sales, distribution and consumption of toxic liquor in only areas determined by Juba City Council, not total ban.

The speaker made the remarks in a press conference in Juba on Monday.