“He called and told me his phone felt in our compound”, 3rd witness narrates


One accused suspects called him one hour after incident at the night of 24th April 2021, just to tell him his phone felt in their compound, said Abednego Maror, logistic officer of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek

He was narrating to South Sudan High Court the shooting of the Bishop-elect Monsignor Christian Carlassare on Friday in Juba.

Maror said accused number six, Lak Makur Agok, claimed his phone felt when he came to rescue the priest during the incident.

“After one hour, Samuel Makir called me to ask what happened and I told him Bishop is shot on both legs and we are in the hospital then few minutes later, Lak Makur called me using that same Makir’s number and told me his phone felt in the fathers’ quarters when he came to rescue us when the incident happened.” Logistician narrated to the court.

Abednego Maror appeared before court as the third witness after Fr. Andrea and Fr. Luka who both live in the same compound with Monsignor Carlassare.

He added that he saw two people with guns jumped over the fence of fathers’ quarters, one was short and ran very fast then one was tall and ran last.

“The short one was very fast I couldn’t see him, but I saw the tall one who jumped last holding a gun on his right hand and I picked a stone then throw on him to scare him”, Maror indicated.

The preceding Judge Justice Alexander Sebur Subek announced that Court will proceed on Friday 18th February 2022 after electricity went off.