Over 3,000 candidates to sit Primary Eight Exams in Western Bahr el Ghazal


3,388 candidates are ready to sit for Primary Eight National Leaving Exams in Western Bhar-El-Ghazal, confirms Pasquale Kamilo Dimo, Director of Quality Promotion in the State Ministry of Education.

He on Friday explained that the candidates sitting include 1,832 males and 1,556 females in all three counties plus Wau Municipality, Voice of Hope Radio reported.

Kamilo explains that the ministry identified 21 centers where Wau County and Wau municipality have 11 centers, Jur River County have nine centers and Raja County will has one centre.

The director says there are 126 public and private schools that are ready to sit for the Primary Leaving Certificate Exams.

Kamilo Dimo encourages the candidates to focus on their studies and be fully prepared for the exams.

However the State Ministry of General Educations and Instruction is yet to receive the timetable for the exams officially

The director of Quality Promotions clarified that it would be brought together with the exams papers.