“Citizens are the fundamental providers of security”, says commissioner


Commissioner of Yei River Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa says citizens are the fundamental providers of security in the county, state and the nation.

He mentions that if citizens do not participate in providing security then they are under threat either from within or outside, Radio Easter reported.

“The citizens are the fundamental providers of security, if citizens do not contribute in providing security then we are under threat either from within or from outside so for us not to succumb to any threat, citizens are to contribute to ensure that their environment is safe, their neighbours are safe, their children and elders are safe. How do you do that it is by cooperating with authorities available in the area”, he stresses.

Cyrus stresses that the security of human beings, properties and resources is important to them as a government.

Commissioner notes that if there is peace and love there is no need to have soldiers in Yei River County because the soldiers are to protect civilians and their properties.

“If there is peace and we love ourselves if there is no body we hate or no body that we subject to suffer there is no need to have soldiers and military because they are here to protect the civilians and the properties of the civilians if we are able to protect our own selves we live in harmony we live in peace we forgive each other and reconcile we live in peace am calling everybody of Yei if whoever you are you are listening to me whether you’re an enemy or you’re a friend to an enemy or you’re a perpetrator to an enemy or your helping those who wants to cause insecurity please let us start to forgive ourselves”, he explains.

Commissioner of Yei River Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa spoke to Radio Easter on Monday in Yei.