CRN receives Peace Award from PAX Christi

PAX Christi Awarding Catholic Radio Network with Peace award credit Photo Ginaba Lino

The Catholic Radio Network of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains receives a peace award by PAX Christi in recognition of its hard work in disseminating peace across the Country

The representative of PAX Christi International Sr Wamuyu Wachira states that her organization appreciate the fact that CRN continue to reflect the diversity experience among the people of this nation

Sr. Wachira says CRN does not only focus on producing culturally sensitive program in local languages, but also actively engaging in peace journalism

Sr Wachira explains the important of Radio in the world as critical tool and most useful across the continent which cannot be underestimated because it reaches many people who don’t have access to internet.

She commends the vision of CRN – a vision of a reconciled society, built on human and spiritual values, rooted in justice and honesty.

“We are encouraged by the mission of CRN – a mission to inspire the people of South Sudan with a means of communication that builds peace through reconciliation and healing of trauma.”

Meanwhile the director of CRN Mary Ajith congratulates the staff and all radio stations for the great work they are doing despite the challenges of equipments that can easily interrupt their work.

Ajith says the award will encourage the staff to double their efforts in delivering more services to the people of South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains.

The award was announced by PAX Christi in August 2021

The speakers made their remarks during the peace award celebration ceremony on Friday at the Catholic University of South Sudan in Juba.