INTERSOS trains 20 school health club members on Hygiene


INTERSOS organization on Friday have train 20 school health club members on water, sanitation and Hygiene from Airport View and Primary School in Torit.

Ojoba Marleen, WASH Officer for INTERSOS Torit field office says the training aimed at “strengthening water, sanitation and hygiene in school”.

Ojoba explains that they targeted the school hygiene club members which they later helped in disseminating the message to the other pupils and including the surrounding community.

Marleen says through this training, there will be Improvement on the uses of facilities within the school and outside the school.

“We are training the school club because we need the school to use the improved sanitation facilities which are already in school, we have already done. We have constructed a latrine in the school with a changing room for girls. So we are training them so that they use the facilities very well, not only the school but also the water point they have in the school and the maintenance of the environment in the school. We are training them not only for the benefit of the school and also to the community so that they really take the message and we really need our community to be free from diseases and also we need to have healthy pupils in the school”.

She said there are five schools in Torit county benefiting from the activities.

“In Torit municipality we have trained so far three schools and we also have Kudo payam which we have trained in two schools totaling five schools. In Kudo payam we have St Peter Clavier Primary School and then Kudo Center Primary then we have Torit west and Grace Community Primary School and then today also we have Airport View Primary School.

Genesis Vorgolo, the health patron at Airport View Primary School appreciates the organization for extending such services to the health club.

Vorgolo hopes that such training will lead to better improvement of hygiene in the community.

Meanwhile the learners made their mixed reaction in this vox pop.

 “So it is really a brilliant idea which I am really expecting more at least if you can keep on providing such trainings not only to this School even to all the Schools around Torit, and I am very sure with our bright pupils they can take to their homes and will find that Torit will be a well friendly or a hygienic kind of Town free of so many illnesses that might come through improper hygiene practices.”

The training is focused on the provision of water, hygiene and sanitation intervention to conflict affected pupils and communities in Eastern Equatoria State