EES Union of Persons with Disabilities calls for support in all aspects


The Union of Persons with Disabilities in Eastern Equatoria State calls for support from well-wishers, government and humanitarians agencies

Susan Ifuho, the coordinator of Union of Persons Living with Disability in Torit County says both person with and without physical disability must work together for the betterment of the state

Ifuho urges both government and non-governmental agencies for more support to make them realize their goal

//people look at us that when we are disable we will no longer do anything, today we want to tell the community or the nation that all of us stand  together and that we are all one. No one is better than the other. All of us are the children of God. We are all created by his image, so we want power from you so that you make us strong so that we stay together, without power from you we will not be strong ,we want support from you//.

Meanwhile Laduma Patricia Egan explains that disability requires collective responsibility hence the government should provide them space for their effective activities.

//the fight against disability required collective responsibility from our government and all Humanitarians agency, government to allocate land for a resources centre for persons living with disability. This resource centre will benefit not only the current person living with disability but all people of Eastern Equatoria state and South Sudan at large//.

Pastor William British Noel the Director of Union with Persons with Disability in Eastern Equatoria State encouraged people with disabilities to prioritize education since it is a key to success.

//so don’t say that you can’t do anything know that your very important in this world whether you’re a woman or man if say your blind or your leg is not longer moving well you become ashamed then you forget to go to school then if you fail to go to school then tomorrow when people write application for a certain work don’t expect that you too want the job because you didn’t went to school. If you’re not educated, let us struggle as a disable people so that we can help ourselves. No one would help you before you help yourself//.

The speakers made their remarks in freedom square during the International Day of Persons with Disabilities under the theme: Leadership and participation for persons with disabilities towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-Covid-19 world.